Whole school

Weather chart and daily calendar for EYFS KS1
A set of resources to be used daily to mark the date, season and weather.
Also included is a banner plus an individual weather chart that can be laminated and reused.

EYFS progress tracker in excel and recording sheets
This progress tracker allows you to monitor the children’s attainment at a glance.
All you need to do is add the details of your children and update the spreadsheet each term with the children’s progress in each area of learning.
There are two versions, one includes a baseline column for on entry assessment.
The tracker automatically collates data in the following areas:
Key person groups
N1 (3 terms)
N2 (3+ terms)
Summer born children
Non - summer born children
AM/PM children
Achievement in relation to attendance
Achievement in relation to language
Allows you to choose two of the above groups and gives a comparison bar chart
Allows you to choose any child and see their progress from term to term
Allows you to choose any child and see the term 3 results of each area of learning in a bar graph. It can also be printed out for parents.
Also included:
Areas of learning: A condensed version for use in the setting
Tracker sheets for each area of learning: Blank sheets to record children’s progress
EYFS Progress Tracker Instructions: Step by step instructions of how to fill in the children’s names, DOBs etc.
You will need Microsoft Excel version 2007 or later to view the tracker. It is very user friendly but it will be helpful if you have previous experience of using Excel.

Natural classroom: Alphabet hessian print bunting display letters and numerals to 20
The bunting has a hessian photograph background, and is in two sizes: 2 letters per page and 1 letter per page. There is a choice of either black font or white font with a black border. The font is Sassoon Infant. The number line goes from 1 to 20.
There are 7 separate pdf files.

7 Areas of Learning posters for EYFS display
This is a set of 7 posters, file dividers, lettering and headings for the three prime areas and four specific areas of learning and development in the EYFS

Spelling assessment booklet for KS1 & KS2: Appendix 1 English curriculum objectives Years 1 to 6
The booklet is in pdf format and contains 14 pages of assessment. It covers all the content to be introduced for spelling, homophones and common exception words / word lists objectives for KS1 and KS2. It can follow each child as they progress through school.
There are also 4 alternative front covers to choose from in Word. They can be readily adapted and added to if you want to personalise them.
Class assessment
There are 2 versions; one in excel if you want to keep a digital record, or pdf if you would rather print the record out.
There is a sheet for each year group, covering all the spelling content (except for vowel digraphs and trigraphs, homophones and words) to be introduced.

Behaviour resources - chart, cards, traffic lights visual warnings, rewards etc
The set includes different styles of flashcards to help encourage children’s good behaviour.
The picture shows all the separate pages included in this pack, together with a folder of clipart that can be used for your own resources.
If there are any other activities / extra cards / different or additional wording you would like adding to the pack, please leave a message and they can be added.